Which Fruits Can Dogs Eat? The Answer Might Surprise You!

Fruits Can Dogs Eat

Dogs are carnivores, which means that they need certain nutrients and not others in order to function properly. While dogs don’t need to eat fruits in order to thrive, it can be beneficial if you provide them with the occasional fruit treat, as long as you know which fruits are safe for dogs to eat and which are toxic. To help you out, here’s a list of the best fruits can dogs eat!


Dogs can eat apples, but it should not be the only fruit they eat. In general, the sweeter the fruit, the less nutritious it is for a dog to eat. Because of this and because apples are so low in calories and high in sugar content, it is not recommended that dogs eat more than two or three pieces per day. However, apples are great for dogs if they have a sensitive stomach or colic because they help regulate their gut bacteria.


The most popular fruit humans eat is also safe for our canine friends. Bananas are a great source of potassium, carbohydrates, and fiber for a dog’s diet. Unlike other fruits like grapes or raisins, bananas will not cause a stomach ache if consumed in too large of quantities. They’re also one of the safest fruits to introduce to your pup since they’re less likely to cause allergies than other foods.


Dogs can eat blueberries as long as they are cooked. If not, the seeds in the berries can cause an intestinal blockage. Uncooked, frozen blueberries are safe to feed dogs because the freezing process kills any harmful bacteria that may be present on the skin of the blueberry.


Dogs can eat many types of fruit, and cantaloupe is no exception. Cantaloupe is a juicy, sweet melon that can be eaten whole or cut into chunks. In general, dogs should not have more than 1-2 cups of fruit per day, so if your dog eats cantaloupe for breakfast you shouldn’t give them any other fruits for the rest of the day. It’s best to feed cantaloupe with skin on and seeds removed to minimize choking hazards. Since cantaloupe can be high in sugar content it’s a good idea to avoid giving too much as an afternoon snack.


Dogs have a different nutritional needs than humans do, so there are some fruits that they should avoid. For example, never give your dog any of the following. Avocados, citrus fruit and their peels (including oranges, grapefruits and lemons), figs, raw potatoes or tomatoes. They can eat watermelon though – in fact, it’s one of the few fruits that is safe for them to eat. While it doesn’t contain many nutrients for dogs (it’s mainly just water). It’s still better for them than eating table scraps. Keep in mind that if you have a pup with a sensitive stomach or food allergies. This could be problematic because watermelon has been known to cause these issues in certain breeds.


Dogs are known to be scavengers, and they’re not picky eaters, but when it comes to fruits, not every fruit is safe for them to eat. Fruits should make up about 10 percent of your dog’s daily diet. However, some fruits have the potential to cause serious harm to your pet if he eats too much of it or if the fruit has been contaminated by chemicals or pesticides.

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of any human’s diet, as they contain essential vitamins and nutrients. For example, bananas have potassium, green leafy vegetables have magnesium, and oranges have vitamin C. However, fruits aren’t just important for humans—they can be great treats for your dog as well! But are all fruits safe for dogs to eat? The answer might surprise you! Above is our guide on which fruits can dogs eat and which should be avoided. (And if you’re wondering about what fruit seeds are safe for dogs, scroll down to the bottom of this page.)